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Fourth Day Talk Tips
4th Day Talk Helpful Tips
Please accept the sincere thanks of the The Greater Waco Emmaus Community for agreeing to give the 4th Day Talk! We know that God will bless you as you prepare for your talk and the community will be blessed by the words you are led to share. The tips that follow are, designed to assist in your preparation.
Your talk should be no longer than 12 minutes in length! It should cover one experience or idea and not your entire life of all of your experiences. It is a talk about YOUR 4th DAY (your post-Emmaus journey with the Lord). Your talk should be a personal story, stated honestly and presented in a “down to earth” manner.
Your talk might tell how you serve God in your church or community.
It might tell how you met God or have experienced His love and power in your own life.
It might tell a specific way in which you have tried to help someone know God’s love.
It might tell about a recent experience and how you have seen and felt God’s presence.
It might tell how you have seen God’s presence in another person and what that means to you.
It might tell how you try to keep God at the center of your life.
The Fourth Day talk should not be a sermon, instruction on Christianity, or Bible teaching and should not try to justify a specific doctrinal position. Try to avoid talking about the details of an Emmaus weekend – we often have visitors at Gatherings who have not attended a Walk. Your talk should not attempt to be emotional or sensational.
You can use the following self-test to confirm that your talk is on track; you should be able to answer “yes” to all of these questions:
Does this talk show that Jesus Christ is in my life?
Will it show how much I want to follow Him?
Does Jesus himself hold the most important place in the talk?
Will my talk stimulate people to think of things they might plan to do to transform their home, work, church, recreation or environment for Christ?
Does it reference scripture?
Before the Gathering have a friend or group of friends agree to be your prayer partner(s). Meet with them before your talk and have them pray for God’s presence while you are talking. If you’d like to review your talk with me, I’m also happy to do so.
We know that God has blessed your life and that He will be present with you as you prepare and present your Fourth Day talk.
God Bless your testimony,
Dean Hoepfinger, Lay Director,
The Greater Waco Emmaus Community